Unreal Tournament Maps
Unreal Tournament 2004
DM-Fate (2004)
Fate was expressly designed as a 1v1 duel arena, though it features interesting play mechanics with three players. It’s small and straightforward, and duels generally turn into tense, nail-biting hunts where the kills come suddenly and without warning.
CTF-Arena (2004)
Arena is a test concept for an arena-style team-based map. Here, I was going for the “sporting event” feel that was not strongly present in UT2003. The ambience is very cool, so check this one out!
This is the Trickster’s Wall, a small 1v1 duel map. This Special Edition hosts many updates, including a huge performance boost and some visual improvements, plus better (brutal!) AI pathing.
Here is the UT2004-compatible update to my UT2003 map, DM-Forbidden. This time around is a little different: night has fallen on the Forbidden Temple, and the spirits of the damned have summoned an otherworldly maelstrom to vent their fury!
In Ansgard Fortress you’ll find claustrophobic rooms and corridors inside the bases, and blissful open space in the beautiful valley between them. Great fun and some pretty eye candy outside.
This is the UT2004-exclusive update to my UT2003 map, CTF-Elesel. In this version, nearly half the map has been restructured, most weapons and pickups were relocated and rebalanced to smooth out gameplay, and bot paths and a few wonky collision issues were improved.
Noxious Valley is my first attempt at a new Onslaught map for UT2004, and it doubles as a test concept for the “poison planet” visual style.
Unreal Tournament 2003
Epsilon Station is a remake of my old Unreal Tournament map DM-Champions. In addition to a significant style upgrade, DM-Epsilon features some layout differences and gameflow improvements, allowing for lots and lots of cool new tricks. This map is pure deathmatch bliss with four players, or in 2v2 games.
DM-Fate (2003)
Fate was expressly designed as a 1v1 duel arena, though it features interesting play mechanics with three players. It’s small and straightforward, and duels generally turn into tense, nail-biting hunts where the kills come suddenly and without warning… that is, if you’re not paying attention.
The Forbidden Temple is an ancient structure hidden deep within the desert. It provides a wide-open deathmatch experience for 4-8 players, and some great tricks can be pulled off if you’re clever enough to use your surroundings. This map is also great fun when playing Invasion.
CTF-Arena (2003)
Arena is a test concept for an arena-style team-based map. Here, I was going for the “sporting event” feel that was not strongly present in UT2003. The map itself is ridiculously simplistic, and it can be very, very hard to score with more than four players in the game. However, the ambience is very cool, so check this one out!
Elesel Wood is a fairly straightforward CTF map set in an ancient forest. Be sure to explore the far reaches of the woods thoroughly… you might find something amusing!